Pandemic and Evolution

It is precisely at critical times, when a drastic change beyond our control is presented to us, when we must apply the best of our capacities to create the new reality.

If we don’t change, nothing changes…


A change is always good, because it allows the opportunity to evolve if we approach it with a positive mind coming from our higher Self VS a fearful and conditioned mind attached to old recordings of the past.

My first reflection regarding this change was: A respite to the planet, by the requested drastic pause on humanity’s socioeconomic “unstoppable” activity founded on its eagerness for a “supposed” progress, that has been interfering strongly in many processes of life: Starting with the use we make of the natural resources with the exponential development of industries that represent business, but not necessarily expansion of consciousness towards a better humanity. Prompting destructive behaviors and habits as a result of following the rhythm of this chaotic pace...

This pause in our activity invites us to reflect upon: What are we doing with ourselves and with humanity? And to come back to the most essential element which is life. The energy that sustains and unites us.


Now, a fundamental pillar that should be in good alignment with life and creation is that of our “intelligence” which differentiates us from other species (at least we imagine so, as we are at an initial part in the process of understanding more about life and the universe surrounding us). To align in that intelligence , the unconscious part of the mind with all its generations and generations of programming, with the living mind that connects us with who we really are in each present moment through something called wisdom or intuition, a kind of channel or bridge that makes us evolve when we allow that to happen.

Be aware of your thoughts

stop waiting

A first step in this alignment is simply learning to observe our thoughts to detect and stop those negative ones that simply create separation, blockages and damage of the living energy we are, creating monumental interferences within ourselves with regard to life and the others when we are not aware of them.

Once becoming the observers and understanding that to a large extent what comes from this mind is simply the repetition of the past or a projection of that old recording of our past triggered by specific components of reality. That, by the way, nothing has to do with reality itself, but simply with some aspect of what our "search engine" called “unconscious mind” considered to be compatible with that element of the environment (the trigger) that caught its attention because it sounded familiar.

You are complete

The intention of this Blog is to invite you to be aware of the wonderful, complete, and unique Being that you are, whose mission is transcendental for the evolution of humanity. But in order to be able to really understand, feel and manifest this mission; it is necessary to free yourself from the heaviness of the limiting recordings of the past that you continually carry in your mind. Once you are aware of this, to decisively free yourself of it in each present moment, so that you can bring out your full presence, approaching life wisely and masterfully from that true Being of Wisdom and Life that you are.


Your body speaks…listen


The 3 A’s for your Life